Sunday, February 3, 2013

HP Made a big mistake 5 times on PC market

As early as in the 1970s, Steve Wozniak (Steve Wozniak) work at Hewlett-Packard, and designed a number of popular products, including engineering calculator. Every night or on the weekend, Wozniak always stay in his small bedroom is located in the Hewlett-Packard to design and test a small project, and these projects are the most one day led to the first generation of the Apple Computer (Apple I ) to appear.
Wozniak designed the Apple I required hardware, line motherboard and operating system. But you know, Wozniak was originally the project to the Hewlett-Packard, and "begged" by HP PC. Wozniak has revealed the news to the Georgia State University students. Wozniak said: "HP five times rejected my proposal."

But later, when Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) encountered Wozniak, Jobs immediately realized the potential of this product. However, according to Wozniak recalled that Jobs was not the people to create a computer company ", he just said" Let us create a company to produce widgets, such as motherboards and other lines, so that the user can computer to assemble these parts of our production costs may be $ 20, but we can put the sales price at $ 40.

Wozniak believes that even though he and Steve Jobs is not Apple, but his products can still affect the whole world. However, Wozniak also admitted that he may not be starting a company, because he is not the kind of adventurous entrepreneurs.

In any case, HP's short-sighted for the company to pay a heavy price, or else is different landscape today.

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